#Jekyll #Tailwindcss

Wind Theme

Wind is a clean, minimalistic Jekyll theme designed to offer a delightful blogging experience. With a focus on simplicity and aesthetics, Wind brings an elegant touch to your blog or personal website.

#Rails #Tailwindcss


Resourc is a platform for sharing technical articles, tools, open-source projects, and everything related to programming. Connect with developers, share knowledge, and grow together.

#Rails #AWS #Tailwindcss #Docker


Platform created with data obtained by web scraping and ChatGPT API.

#Rails #AWS


ComoCambio is a platform part of a Cencosud's program for promote a healthy culture. I started this project two years ago and I actively participate as a back-end developer and DevOps engineer for Zeeers.

#Rails #Tailwindcss #Docker

Paso App Github Icon

A URL shortener that can also collect information about visitors. This project is made using my other open-source project RailsUrlShortener and is only intended to show its implementation..

#Rails #Tailwindcss #Docker

Iamindexed Github Icon

A small app that helps you Scraping in different search engines to know if your site is indexed or not. The idea comes from the need to quickly find out if my sites were indexed or not.

#Rails #Bootstrap #AWS


An administration panel to manage data on foster families for Fundación AcogerEs. The project included data cleansing and uploading of more than two thousand families and a mailing campaign.

#Ruby #Minitest

Minitest-cc Github Icon

Plug-in for the Minitest unit test framework. Displays information about the coverage of the tests on the package or application code. A much simpler option to SimpleCov.

#Ruby #Rails

RailsUrlShortener Github Icon

Engine for Rails that adds full URL-slicing functionality. By simply installing this gem in any Rails application you can start URL slicing and get useful information about its usage (ip, geolocation, device, etc.).

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